Distance Sales Contract

Distance Sales Contract

1. Sides

This Distance Sales Contract (the "Contract") has been concluded between the following parties Dec:


Company Name: GMOWIN GmbH
Address: [Address]
Phone: [Phone Number]
E-mail: [E-mail Address]
Tax Number: [Tax Number]


Name and Surname: [Recipient's First Name and Surname]
Address: [Recipient's Address]
Phone: [Buyer's Phone Number]
E-mail: [Recipient's E-mail Address]

2. Subject

This Agreement regulates the Buyer's purchase of the following product or service offered for sale by GMOWIN GmbH at a distance (the "Product/Service") and the Seller's execution of this sale.

3. The Product/Service Subject to the Contract

Product/Service: [Description of the Product or Service]
Qty/Quantity: [Qty or Quantity]
Unit Price: [Unit Price]
Total Price: [Total Price]
4. Order and Delivery

Placing an Order: Buyer, Product/Service Seller's website/phone/e-mail, etc. he orders by methods.
Delivery Method: The Product/Service will be delivered to the address specified by the Buyer.
Delivery Date: The delivery date will be realized no later than [Delivery Time] following the establishment of the Contract.
5. Price and Pay Terms

Price: The total price mentioned above has been determined as VAT included.
Pay Paid Method: The buyer will perform the payment transactions by [Paying Method].
Pay Paid Terms: Payment will be made within [Pay Terms] following confirmation of the order.
6. Right of Withdrawal

Withdrawal Period: The buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract without any justification within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Product / Service.
Notification of Withdrawal: In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Buyer must notify the Seller in writing.
7. Cancellation and Amendment

Order Cancellation: The buyer has the right to cancel the order for any reason before the delivery of the order.
Right to Change: The buyer may request changes in the characteristics or quantity of the ordered Product / Service.
8. Dispute Resolution

In any dispute arising out of this Agreement, the parties accept the jurisdiction of the [City] courts of Germany.

9. Enactment

This Agreement will enter into force on the date of signing by the parties and may not be amended or terminated without the written consent of both parties.

10. Signatures

This Agreement has been signed by the parties on the following dates:


Signature: ___________________________
name surname: ___________________________
Title: ___________________________
History: ___________________________


Signature: ___________________________
name surname: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________
History: ___________________________
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